Does Social BookMarking take an Important Role In SEO?

29 Apr.,2024


Does Social BookMarking take an Important Role In SEO?

If you want to learn more, please visit our website importance of bookmark.



I have submitted my website near about 1500 Social bookmark…at the earlier stage I have got more traffic…and the KW also improving in ranking. But now rank is falling gradually…Is it for more social sites being expired and I am loosing the bookmark links?

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Depending on the sites you’ve used, social bookmarks can be pretty ephemeral – once they’ve been overtaken by a few newer links, they quickly drop off the bottom and are of little use.

What you need is to make content that is good enough that when people come to your site once, they’ll want to come back again, and to tell other people about it. If you haven’t got that, there’s not a lot of point in having a website, because you will always be fighting an uphill battle just to stay within sight of page 1.

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